Coming Soon - Adolescent Mental Health Treatment and Adolescent and Young Adult Eating Disorder Treatment

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Integrative Therapies

HopeWay has incorporated a wide variety of evidence-based experiential therapies to build a robust and diverse overall therapeutic program. These integrative therapies are incorporated into each program to ensure a consistent therapeutic approach in each level of care. The integrative therapies broaden our holistic approach, enhance engagement in treatment, and provide opportunities to practice life skills that directly translate into activities that can be done outside of treatment.

Integrative Therapies

The integrative therapies are a core component of the holistic approach we offer at HopeWay. Integrative therapies incorporate every day activities such as gardening, exercise, music, cooking/nutrition and art to teach useful life skills and offers methods of expression that resonate differently than traditional “talk” therapy.  

Part of the therapeutic excellence at HopeWay is the connection of integrative therapies. Clients are often harvesting produce that they will take to the Learning Kitchen where they will incorporate the produce into a healthy meal. When our art therapist learns that clients have made flower arrangements for the cafeteria, groups will travel to the dining hall to work on still life drawings of the arrangements. Clients also deliver harvested herbs to the dining hall staff, where they will be incorporated into the daily meals. Through staff collaboration, clients are reminded of their successes as they travel are HopeWay's campus.

Many of the activities clients participate in during the various integrative therapies employ mindfulness techniques so as to engage in the present moment and bring a greater awareness to the activity at hand. Integrative therapies also work to combat social isolation and feelings of personal inadequacy through gentle, success oriented social engagement, such as making meals together, playing music, or enjoying a walk around the campus with peers and staff.

In addition to the regularly scheduled integrative therapies, such as art, music, horticulture, nutrition, and recreation, we offer pastoral care and pet therapy.

"The integrative therapies were the most beneficial part of my recovery, as they provided opportunities for me to be engaging in fun activities while learning more about myself at the same time." - Katherine

"What I liked most about my stay was the diversity of therapy and treatment settings. The holistic approach integrated into each session (mindfulness and/or meditation)." - Sam

1 in 4

people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives

(World Health Organization)


of U.S. adults will develop at least one mental illness during their lifetime

(Center for Disease Control
and Prevention)


up to 60% of people with depression can recover with a proper combination of antidepressant drugs and psychotherapy

(World Health Organization)